Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Biocentrism Value

Biocentrism offers an alternative perspective into the environment. Nature is no longer just a tool for human beings to use. We instead become a part of nature. Nature is the larger being that we merely interact with. Without us, nature would continue to exist in its natural state. Biocentrism shifts the idea that the world is centered on humanity to the idea that nature instead, is at the center of life. The divide between man and the environment is a human construct, so once we remove that block we can truly be apart of nature. Aldo Leopold explained in his concept of the Land Ethic that ethics aren't just constructs of humanity but apply to our surroundings including the flora and fauna, soil, and all other aspects of nature.

India, with its Hindu foundation, hold protecting environmental areas such as Sacred Groves to be of the highest duty. These areas prohibit destruction whether it is hunting of logging in order to maintain the natural value of all components of nature. Humans simply become the stewards of the land instead of its owner.  The communities value the land and thus it stays preserved. 

Aldo Leopold, “The Land Ethic”

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