Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Personal Philospohy

I love nature. Nature to me provides endless possibilities for exploring the world around you as well as exploring within yourself. Nature is both an escape and a release. My personal philosophy with nature tends to lean toward the Dark Greens. I believe that the environment should have rights similar to those unalienable rights of humans. If you violate those distinct rights in any way, you should be punished. I also think that it is up to us, in this moment right now, to take a stand against the abuse of the environment. If you saw a woman her legs cut off with a chain saw and then being trampled by a bulldozer than carted away, would you act? Then why are natural areas any different? Humans should stop trying to control their surroundings. If a Tiger eats one of your cattle, you shouldn't shoot it. The tiger did what Tigers were supposed to do. Appreciate the beauty of what nature has created and deal with it. Nature can be our greatest joy if we nurture it, but if we fail to take care of it at this moment then we will lose this precious resource forever. 

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